Summer Sermon Series: The Gospel of John

Dear Pali Pres Family,

This coming Sunday we start a new Summer Sermon Series here at PPPC. Pastor Grace and I will lead the congregation through an exploration of the Gospel of John, for many of us our favorite book of the Bible.

As I will talk about more in my sermon on Sunday, the book of John offers us a unique perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus. Unlike the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), John is especially known for its high Christology. This means that John is particularly focused on Jesus’ divine nature. By contrast, other Gospels (such as Mark) are commonly known for their low Christology (their emphasis on Jesus’ humanity). The result is that John paints a portrait of Jesus’ remarkable divine powers. His promises, miracles, and encounters with others make God feel all the more accessible to us.

As we explore this beloved book of the Bible, I invite you to welcome Jesus into your life in new ways. Many of the stories we will cover will be extremely familiar, while others may be less known to you. Either way, my hope is that you will find God wanting to have a personal and powerful encounter with you through his divine Son, Jesus.

Pastor Grace and I are very excited to set aside this entire summer for a study of the remarkable ministry of Jesus. We hope you will join us in worship as we learn and grow together!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Matt


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Deacon Sunday at Pali Pres