Deacon Sunday at Pali Pres

Dear Pali Pres Family,

This coming Sunday is Deacon Sunday here at Pali Pres, which is a special opportunity for us to learn more about the deacons of our church and their important ministry. We will also thank them and thank God for their service to our church family.

Some people may not know that the office of deacon was established in the early church to make sure food was distributed to widows and others in need (see Acts 6:1–6). The leader of the first group of deacons was Stephen, whose witness cost him his life (Acts 7). Over time, the role of deacons has been expanded to include a whole variety of acts of service for others. As it says in the PCUSA Book of Order, deacons participate in a ministry of “compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress."

Here at PPPC, the ministry of the deacons includes (but is certainly not limited to) faithfully preparing the Communion table on the first Sunday of the month, visiting and praying for church members who are sick or bereaved, and delivering our Sunday Sanctuary flowers to a church member or friend who is experiencing a life celebration or challenge.

We are blessed as a church to have the caring hearts and arms of our deacons to spread the love and compassion of Jesus. Lord knows our world needs extra doses of love and compassion these days! I hope you will join me and Pastor Grace on Sunday as we recognize this important ministry of our church. How fitting that it is also Pentecost Sunday (remember to wear your red!). Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are all able to minister in the name of Jesus to this world that God loves so much.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Matt


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