Our Lay Leaders
Members and officers serve together under the mandate of Christ, who is the chief minister of all. The standard for all offices is the pattern of the one who came, “not to be served but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28). Each year, church members elect officers who are then ordained to fulfill particular functions. The existence of these offices in no way diminishes the importance of the commitment of all members to the total ministry of the church. It is hoped that all members will find some arena of service within the life of our congregation. The ministry of Christ in and through our church is strongest when each of us does his part.
Elders are chosen by the people as leaders of the church. Elders and pastors together exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a particular church, as well as the larger church. It is the duty of the elders to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. It is incumbent upon elders to perform their duties by the law of love. Elders serve with members and pastors on Committees that support all ministries of the Church.
Deacons serve under the authority and supervision of the church Session (elders). The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Deacons minister to those who are in need: to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. If you are in need, please contact the church office that we might come alongside you with care and support.
Class 2024
Bruce Brough
Vidda Brough
Joanna Darvish
Correne Gichuru
Jan Gong
Janice Larson
Lore Meline
Class 2025
Marie-Anne Helgeson
Joan Kaczorowski
Brendan Kim
Staci Mitchel
Evelyn Moyer
Class 2024
Cynthia Block
George Browning
Jesselyn Chong
Class 2025
Bill Hamm
Tom Keene
Caroline Nick
Class of 2027
Lynette Shishido
Bill Walker
David Wood