Dedication Sunday

Dear Pali Pres Community,

This coming Sunday is Dedication Sunday, a special day when we as a church family dedicate our 2024 pledges to God. As I put the finishing touches on my sermon and prepare for worship, I feel incredibly grateful for this community of faith. We have so many wonderful programs and ministries that make up our life here at Pali Pres. Our giving is an important way for us to partner with the Holy Spirit and help spread “Abundant Life” both locally and abroad.

As you prayerfully decide on your church pledge for the coming year, I hope you will not do so out of guilt or under compulsion (as Paul warns against in 2 Corinthians 9). Rather, I hope you will consider all of God’s many blessings in your life and offer something back to the church that you feel reflects your gratitude. To quote Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” I sincerely believe that this is what God wants from us—to make a life, abundant life, by giving from the heart.

On Sunday, please bring your completed pledge card with you to church. During worship everyone will have an opportunity to bring forward their pledges and offer them to God as an act of dedication and thanks. If you have already mailed in your pledge card, thank you! You can still fill out a duplicate copy (don’t worry, the church won’t count it twice!) and bring it forward on Sunday morning. Blank pledge cards will be available in the sanctuary. You may also scan the QR code below to submit your pledge digitally. As always, what you pledge will remain confidential.

With joy and thanksgiving,

Pastor Matt


Reflections on Giving Thanks


The Gift of Silence