Give to Pali Pres
Stewardship Season
The ministries and operations of Pali Pres rely on the faithful donations of our members and friends. Your contributions sustain our ministries, outreach into the community, and the operation and maintenance of our facilities. All that we have been given has been entrusted to us by God and by using our time, talents and treasures, we are simply stewards on behalf of God’s work on this earth.
Gifts to the church can be made in a number of ways:
Cash/Check: Checks should be made payable to Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church, 15821 Sunset Boulevard, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Online Giving: We now have the capability to accept credit/debit cards as well as automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account. Please click here to be taken to our secure website. Simply create an account using the Create Profile button on the right hand side and fill in the required information including your credit card. You will receive an email confirming that your offering has been received.
Gifts of Securities: Donors may make gifts of appreciated securities, including mutual funds. Please Contact Farrah Mikail, Business Administrator, at fmikail@palipres.orgfor more information.
Planned Giving: from your assets or estate may be arranged in the form of: Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, life insurance policies, direct bequest of cash or assets, percentage of your total estate, appreciated stock, or real estate of personal property. Contact Farrah Mikail, Business Administrator, at fmikail@palipres.org for more information.
Whichever method you choose, know that each gift is deeply appreciated and will be well-used to support the mission and ministry of Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church. Please feel free to contact the church office (mail@palipres.org) if you have any questions regarding your giving.